"Massive change is not about the world of design, it's about the design of the world."
— Bruce MauProject AzymuthFor over a period of two years I've been working on a graphic mapping project. It all started with some small nonsense drawings. I noticed I couldn't resist to draw all over my desktop, so I allways make sure to have some paper at hand. My agenda is messed up; all important notes and appointments are written on several pieces of paper mixed with drawings. These drawings emerge from 3 main inspirational sources; graffiti & streetart, a strong urban interest and Lebbeus Woods, head of the RIEA (Research Institute of Experimental Architecture). The whole is in fact a graphic representation of my own stream of consciousness. As the project went along I started working on surfaces of maps to increase input, this way new guidelines for the project were set.. Thru adding new information to these maps the main issue now is to manipulate the viewer and distract him from reading these maps and not knowing what information was originally printed or which was added.
There's a small "vernissage" comming up ::
invitationI'm very busy at the moment but I'll try to upload some pictures of the presentation as soon as possible.. You can check out some scans of my work on my