16 May 2006

Just Browsing

Scriptie: Just Browsing.

In order to extend this graduating project I had to write an essay/ theoretical research paper about why and what I am doing. It's mainly about "how people interact, on an 'emotional' level, with computers." It also includes a historical overview on 'the computer' and I've included lots and lots of fun philosophical spin-offs, pictures, notes and links (which you can just click in the pdf itself, so in fact you can use the pdf as a webpage)
Unfortunatly it is written in dutch, but hay I had to learn english too so just get a dutch course and you're in ;)

View pdf, now!

Let me know once you've finished it.
Have fun reading.

14 May 2006

I ♥ Berlin

(A to Z) typeview_00
AUF is a student-project. It maps an alphabet of letters found in the forms of buildings screenshot on GoogleMaps.

I checked our globe and found some buildings resembling as typography. That made me figure, so I'm making a typeface out of the forms of buildings I spot on Google Earth 'critters'. Thanks to Farfields for adding me up with this new Typeface called "Boks". Launch Typo Berlin website.


Front of t-shirt
The print of the coordinates of where the building is to be found.
Back of t-shirt
outline of the building emerging the letterform.
> I handed out the bags of letter-cookies at the conference as extras with my vcard, as a promo for my project and my portfolio.

07 May 2006

Colored mapping

View first Colored index >> HERE
View second Colored index >> HERE

03 May 2006

A map of computers, love and colors

Output what?

All send pictures on the survey where transformed into their "ColorLevelsOutputChannel". I extracted the graphic equalizer from the Photoshop software and used it in the layout of the Chart, this gives the me the opportunity to display how computers interpret the colors. Or better "how your/my computer sees the pictures".

The "picture" above displays all, 25 selected participants, submitted pictures in levelOutput.

Publishing a concept

Catalog text ( — to be translated in english — )

• naam: Lander F. Janssens
• adres: Haspeslaghstraat 14, 8460 Oudenburg
• datum: 17 december 1984
• titel: Man’s best friend.
• medium: kaart — boek — online toepassing
• trigger:
Gelukkig is uw computer net zo betrouwbaar als uw partner.
(Luckely your computer is just as trustworthy as your partner.)

• body:
Computers zijn oorspronkelijk ontwikkeld om rekenkundige bewerkingen uit te voeren, maar gaandeweg ontwikkelde dit medium zich tot hét communicatiemiddel bij uitstek. Men communiceert niet langer alleen via de computer maar ook steeds meer mét de computer. Mijn doel is mensen erop attent te maken dat ze wel degelijk meer tijd besteden met hun computer dan met hun partner, of andere mensen. Er werd een onderzoek gedaan naar hoe verschillende mensen met hun computer omgaan. Dit onderzoek werd via een grafische representatie in kaart gebracht.