The Outlandish website was awarded a Silver Mowsnet award
Infoporn: "
This information is not really new: social media usage is still very small but growing fast and there are far less content creators than there are visitors. Why do I bring it up then? Because I liked the way it was presented visually, looks indeed like infoporn Dominique, good one.
[Via BoonBloggle]
Technorati Tags: social media, research, infoporn, graphics, stats, boondoggle
(Via 'Cross The Breeze.)
Second life stats: "Linden Lab heeft zojuist nieuwe cijfers bekend gemaakt over wat er zich in Second Life afspeelt.
Eerst wat globale cijfertjes die de stand van zaken einde mei 2007 weergeven
Total Hours Used by all Residents : 20.767.556 een toename van 14,5% tov april 2007
Total Land Size : 651,39 km2, een toename van 12,4% tov april 2007
Unique Residents Population : 4.370.810, een toename van 15,6%
Running Residents registrations : 6.860.473, een toename van 15,2%
Premium Residents : 89.845, een toename van 8,2%
Active Avatar Count : 507.844
Om vervolgens te kijken hoe het met de inbreng van Belgen staat.
Active Avatar Count : 6.330 of 1,25% - 13de in de rangschikking per land
Hours on-line : 221.821 of 1,22% - 12de in de rangschikking per land
Uitleg over de definities van de verschillende indicatoren die gerapporteerd worden kan je terugvinden in de wiki.
Technorati : Second Life - Linden Lab - Belgie"
(Via B.V.L.G..)
The portrait is made with all the Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium icons in Mac OS X. Tsevis extracted all these icons and saved them as a QuickTime movie file. Then Tsevis used custom scripts in Synthetik Studio Artist to make the mosaic. Tsevis created 4 different portraits, with 128 x 128, 64 x 64, 32 x 32 and 16 x 16 pixels size. Then Tsevis used Adobe Photoshop CS3 to make the final composition.
(Via bnox.)
If you didn’t like the 2012 logo…: "
If you didn’t like the Wolff Olins 2012 logo, take a look at what members of the public have come up with over on the BBC. The ones shown here are the public’s favorites…
Does the Wolff Olins logo look so bad now?
(Via SERIF.)