Did you watch porn? is a helpful/peculiar service that, via covert online methodology, determines what smutty sites your friends have been visiting and then informs you of that list, revealing their private inner desires/giving you new options that might not involve the words "bang" or "bus" or Red Shoe Diaries, Season Three. To get the knowledge party started, just put in your info and your friend's name and email address, and the site will give you a tinyURL to send them (or a form email that looks like spam -- your choice), and once they click, you'll then receive an email with a list of the smut sites they visit frequently, while the URL they've clicked on will reveal both those same links and what you've been up to, which'll be especially creepy when he finds out you're at a public library. You can also set it to post results via a Facebook ap; for all this spy stuff, DYWP's fairly crafty: instead of using a browser history or cache, it scours a master list of hundreds upon thousands of smut sites to determine a difference in clicked vs unclicked link color, making it impossible to cover up, like murdering your ex-wife and Ronald Goldman while wearing tiny, tiny gloves.
Since they troll by list, it's not perfect, and DYWP encourages users to send in sites they may have missed, because, creepy or not, there's enough NakedMidgetClippersFans.org for everyone.
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