You’re a creative person and you would like to exhibit your work ?
You have something to show the world?
Then you’ll have the possibility to show yourself by means of the project « M’ATUVU ». Maybe you will soon be able to admire your own work in the exhibition space of JosWorld. This space will be thrown open for expositions, completely low profile. Also music, theatre, dance and performance will be given a chance, as long as creativity makes up the central concept.
« M’ATUVU » is a project of JosWorld, a graphics collective and non-profit organization that wants to inject new life into the cultural world by means of inventive and creative projects. The exhibition space of the collective is situated in Lakensestraat, in the middle of the Brussels cultural neighbourhood. Here Josworld organizes exhibitions, but also happenings and performances. The main commitment of this all: creating a dazzling dynamism between creative persons, artistic projects and the cultural neighbourhood.
The « M’ATUVU » shopwindow is available for individual artists or collectives for 2 week periods.
This way we want to maintain a dynamic creative flow, and give as much artists as possible the chance to expose their ideas.
We are actively on the lookout for - and encouraging people to show off their work. This way we want to build a complete network of young creatives.
Interested? Just email us at matuvu@josworld.org. That’s it!…
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