Erik Spiekermann calls himself an information architect. He is equally comfortable and prolific as a writer, graphic and typeface designer (ff Meta, itc Officina, ff Info, ff Unit, LoType, Berliner Grotesk etc), but type is always at the epicentre of this communication dynamo. He founded MetaDesign in 1979, started FontShop in 1988, is a board member of ATypI and the German Design Council, and president of the istd International Society of Typographic Designers. In July 2000, Erik withdrew from the management of MetaDesign Berlin - which created a bit of a stir - and set up his new studio, United Designers Network in the same neighbourhood. PingMag was very lucky to enjoy some of his precious time to talk about his latest project for Deutsche Bahn (German railways) and share some general thoughts about design.
Check out the article on his PingMag
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