30 December 2008
20 iPhone wallpapers
Originally uploaded by grapplica.
Posted 20 various iPhone wallpapers from foundfootage in my library.
The black haired is La fille d'O...
29 December 2008
My top 10 free iPhone apps
by Tweakersoft
AroundMe allows you to quickly find out information about your surroundings.
How many times have you found yourself in need of finding the closest Gas Station?
AroundMe quickly identifies your position and allows you to choose the nearest Bank, Bar, Gas Station, Hospital, Hotel, Movie Theatre, Restaurant, Supermarket, Theatre and Taxi.
AroundMe shows you a complete list of all the businesses in the category you have tapped on along with the distance from where you are.
For every listing you can choose to see its location on a Map, view the route from where you are, add the information to your contact list or even email the information to a friend.
The Nearby listing allows you to find information using Wikipedia about what is around you.
Fast, easy and accurate. AroundMe is your ideal day to day companion.
2. TwitterFon, v1.2.3, Seller: Kazuho Okui
by Naan Studio
TwitterFon is a simple, fast Twitter client for your iPhone.
TwitterFon is focused on 80% of your task of Twitter such as view friends/replies/messages timeline and send/reply a tweet.
At first, TwitterFon opens a settings screen. Enter your screen name and password, then tap done button.
You have 4 tabs which are friends, replies and direct messages tab and search tab. Each message tab has a timeline which keeps up to 200 tweets.
Tap a tweet cell to open the user's timeline view. You can check favorite state of the tweet, detail information of the user and load the user's recent 20 messages. If you open your timeline view, you can delete your tweet on the view.
If the tweet has a HTTP URL, a table cell has a link button on the right corner of the cell. Tap the button to open the Web or additional table view to select URL if the tweet has more than 2 links.
Tap the post button which is located on top right corner to post a tweet, or tap profile image icon to post a reply. On the post screen, you can choose or take a photo, get current location, and get your friends list.
Tap search icon to open search view. In the search view, you can search tweets by a keyword, by current location, or by current trends keywords.
3. Flashlight., v1.3, Seller: John Haney
by John Haney
The cleverly-named Flashlight sports a just-as-clever design. Flashlight fills your screen with bright white to illuminate your world when you find yourself in a dark spot or concert. Also has pixel test and strobe light modes! On-screen instructions when holding down anywhere for a short time. To prevent unintentionally opening the Settings view, you now hold down for 2 seconds to open the Settings view. Added sliding animation for the Settings view. User requested: New Emergency Red/Black/Blue strobe mode (in addition to the Red/White/Blue mode). Sliding left and right no longer causes the brightness to dim unintentionally
WARNING: Contains a strobe light feature
4. EasyWriter, v1.0, Seller: Wellbeyond Inc.
by Saxorama
EasyWriter makes it easy to write emails using a bigger keyboard in landscape mode.
The iPhone's Mail and Notes applications can only compose messages in a vertically-oriented perspective, with the keyboard just a footnote at the bottom. EasyWriter kicks you into landscape-mode, freeing your fingers to amble luxuriously across the wider letters. Just open EasyWriter, turn your iPhone sideways, type your message, choose your recipient, and click Send to Mail.
5. Facebook, v2.0, Seller: Facebook
by Facebook
For Facebookers (um, everyone, right? 66 of my Friends) it's essential—a beautifully designed, uber-functional implementation that's always with you.
The mobile uploads (with tagging) is almost worth it enough—now I can see whenever Jesus Diaz Blanco's eats a cookie he is proud of, or sits down to a boozy brunch. You can too!
Get it here babies.
6. Evernote, v1.5.1, Seller: Evernote
by Evernote
Create, clip, and share notes on the web and see them everywhere on the web. Take snapshots, read to-do lists, record audio whenever and wherever you like on your mobile. Search through all your notes, even find text within images, whether online or off on your desktop.
Already a popular web service and found on other devices, Evernote does something that every location-aware cameraphone should be able to do: quickly take and store geotagged photos so you can remember stuff.
7. LinkedIn, v1.0.2, Seller: LinkedIn
by LinkedIn
With more than 30 million users representing 150 industries around the world, LinkedIn is a fast-growing professional networking site that allows members to create business contacts, search for jobs, and find potential clients. Individuals have the ability to create their own professional profile that can be viewed by others in their network, and also view the profiles of their own contacts.
The app features four different sections: the main page, connections, search, and status: The main page of the iPhone app displays a news feed that shows updates from your LinkedIn contacts - things like whether they've updated their profile, changed positions, asked a question, added a new contact, etc. The "Connections" section displays your LinkedIn contacts in a way that's very much like the iPhone's built-in contact list. From the "Search" section, you can search for contacts by name, keyword, title, or company. The "Status" section allows you to update your LinkedIn status, which many people use to announce what they're working on. Others have this hooked up via Ping.fm or a similar app so it's updated with their latest tweet.
8. Shazam, v1.5, Seller: Shazam Entertainment Limited
by Shazam
Create and share music moments and stories. With Shazam you can identify music tracks, buy them, and share the tags with friends. You can also learn more about artists; keep and grow your music collection and personalise your tags.
9. Wikiamo, v1.6, Seller: 智史 Nakagawa
by Satoshi Nakagawa
Wikiamo is an intuitive, Safari-like Wikipedia viewer for your iPhone. It shows articles on Wikipedia with custom formatting, so you can read it comfortably.
The good points of this application are: Bookmarks, History, Page cache. It allows you to read articles offline. Multilingual incremental search. A table of contents. And links to the other languages.
10. Google Mobile App, v0.3.144, Seller: Google Mobile
by Google
Google Mobile App gives you a single text box to search through your contacts and the web. As soon as you start typing, it scours Google for things to help you. These could be typing suggestions, website suggestions or easy access to a search you made before. Google Mobile App even searches as you type so that you see results as soon as you finish typing. Over time, the App remembers the things you do most and puts them at the top. Finally, Google Mobile App also uses the My Location feature to detect your current location and show nearby businesses on a map.
If you use other Google mobile products you'll find them through the "Explore more" button - all in one place.
Watch this video to see Google Mobile App in action.
Radiolaria study
Radiolaria study
Originally uploaded by flight404.
This project is about controlled restraint. Previous versions of this magnetic structure project were about freedom. I pretty much let the particles do what they wanted. This go around, I am introducing specific rules to families of particles.
For example, Big particles, you will slowly gain mass until you lock into place and you are capable of attracting small particles. Each of you must remain a fixed distance from the center of the world and must try to spread yourselves out as evenly as possible
Small particles, you will repel each other while the big particles attract you. If you happen to collide with a big particle, you are now locked to that particle and must remain 50 paces from its center at all times. Oh, and you must also remain 250 paces from the center of the world at all times.
Id love to be able to make these so they were 3D printable. Mmmmm, metal casting...
Uploaded by flight404 on 25 Dec 08, 8.58AM CET.
WooTheme by Duoh
Originally uploaded by Veerle Pieters
A nice theme by Veerle Duoh. She shared the design process of the creation of this WooTheme on her blog
Abstract, a Woothemes design (2nd page)
Abstract is a beautifully illustrated and colourful theme, the result of a collaboration of WooThemes and Veerle Pieters. Abstract sports a fun yet professional layout that is flexible enough to be used as either a business theme or a personal theme.
At WooThemes you will find some of the most cutting edge WordPress templates, packed full of features, presented beautifully with clean layouts, slick colour palettes and neat typography. All our themes are available for purchase individually or you can join the theme club and have access to all our masterpieces.
Chronique Curieux: Specta
Exposition The Big Store terminée chez Specta à Copenhague
This is a repost of a chronicle by Joël RIFF, it talks about current or past exhibitions in Copenhague last month. The second of a danish series of 3. I worked with Curieux for the article on MVRDV. The chronicle and blog is written in french!
For more please visit the Chronique Curieux Over Blog
Chronique Curieux: Charlottenborg
Crédit photographique : *Carl Henrik Tillberg, **Johann Bergenholtz et ***Anders Sune Berg. Exposition avec Lennart Alves, Ola Billgren, Ann Böttcher, Leonard Forslund, Denise Grünstein, Truls Melin, Lars Nilsson, Jan Håfström et Håkan Rehnberg terminée à la Kunsthal Charlottenborg à Copenhague
Lars Nilsson, Ascending, 510x344x604cm, 2008
Jan Håfström, Den eviga återkomsten, 2003*
Denise Grünstein, Figur i landskab 2, 100x250x25cm, 2001
Jan Håfström, Skogsaltare, 1969**
Håkan Rehnberg, Das Grosse Gehege Bel Dresden, 2008***
This is a repost of a chronicle by Joël RIFF, it talks about current or past exhibitions in Copenhague last month. The second of a danish series of 3. I worked with Curieux for the article on MVRDV. The chronicle and blog is written in french!
For more please visit the Chronique Curieux Over Blog
Chronique Curieux: Christin Johansson
Exposition Sanited med Identitet terminée chez Køppe à Copenhague www.drud-koppe.com
This is a repost of a chronicle by Joël RIFF, it talks about current or past exhibitions in Copenhague last month. The second of a danish series of 3. I worked with Curieux for the article on MVRDV. The chronicle and blog is written in french!
For more please visit the Chronique Curieux Over Blog
Chronique Curieux: Ulrik Weck
Exposition Untitled terminée chez Christina Wilson à Copenhague www.christinawilson.net
Echo, 12x19cm, lettres en métal, 2008
Greetings Earthlings, 70x50cm, C-print, 2008
Library 2, 170x170x33cm, étagère, bois trouvé, 2008
This is a repost of a chronicle by Joël RIFF, it talks about current or past exhibitions in Copenhague last month. The second of a danish series of 3. I worked with Curieux for the article on MVRDV. The chronicle and blog is written in french!
For more please visit the Chronique Curieux Over Blog
Chronique Curieux: MVRDV
This is a repost of a chronicle by Joël RIFF, it talks about current or past exhibitions in Copenhague last month. The second of a danish series of 3. I worked with Curieux for the article on MVRDV. The chronicle and blog is written in french!
For more please visit the Chronique Curieux Over Blog
Chronique Curieux: Intro
For more please visit the Chronique Curieux Over Blog
Jøël RIFF (nysgerrig) præsenterer :
2008 uge 50
En uge, syv dage, syv udstillinger.
København #2 : Pressemeddelelse
Nous poursuivons notre triptyque danois par ce deuxième volet qui s'attardera davantage dans les quartiers pittoresques. Partant du Børsgraven puis du Nyhavn, canaux animant le centre-ville et bordés d'édifices historiques et de maisonnettes aux frontons colorés, nous remonterons la Bredgade, majeur axe rectiligne et désuet investit par les antiquaires, reliant le cœur urbain au Kastellet, citadelle au pied de laquelle est échouée den Lille Havfrue, la Petite Sirène, pas aussi ridicule que le disent les ragots, triste figure mélancolique isolée sur un industriel horizon portuaire fumant. Tout le parcours est bien-sûr ponctué de manifestations participant à la délimitation de cette scène copenhagoise que nous cherchons à appréhender, stimulée tant par des artistes internationaux que des natifs locaux et élargie dans ce numéro au design et à l'architecture. Notre mot de la semaine accompagnant l'intitulé de cette chronique, malgré l'évidence de son préfixe, demeure fantastique lorsqu'il est prononcé par l'employé d'accueil d'un lieu d'exposition et est à traduire par communiqué de presse.
curiosité : 2008 semaine 50
28 December 2008
Into The Blue
Into The Blue
Originally uploaded by (Erik).
This is a view up the more than 60 meter high tower of De Inktpot. The ceiling your are looking up to is at 45 meters. The upper part of the tower is a water reservoir. The inktpot is build between 1918 and 1922 using 20.000.000 bricks. The building is designed by G.W. van Heukelom for the Dutch Railways. The blue light in the top is daylight shinning through blue windows. All the other light is artificial.
Normally you cannot enter the building, but today it was Open Monumentendag and ProRail, the current owner of the building opened the doors for the public. So, I brought my tripod and positioned myself in the middle of the hall. While I was on my knees preparing this shot about 50 or more people were gathering around me. Not to see what I was doing, but the hall was also the starting point of the guided excursions that were given today.
Jouw naam in de sneeuw
Ook genoeg van kleffe kerstkaarten en interactieve nieuwjaarswensen? Mooi, Zatte Vrienden heeft nu een leuke splash die jou de kans geeft je vrienden toch een eindejaarskaart te sturen die echt lachen is.
Je kleine boodschap zal je vrienden deugd doen. Stuur jouw vrienden warme eindejaarswensen via Jouw naam in de sneeuw
Wij lachten ons alvast een breuk bij de conceptcreatie, presentatie en productie ervan, fijne en kleffe eindejaarswensen van ons team bij ProximityBBDO
27 December 2008
24 December 2008
The Collaborative
“The Collaborative” is a newly born project that thrives on the collaborations between artists and creative companies, whether visual or graphical. Basically it’s a concept of “works that are created by people together”, collaboratively rather than individually.
The first Collaboration is a result of a conceptual idea developed by model and stylist Michelle Warneke, produced by photographer Mike Van Cleven and completed by 12 different visual and graphical artists. The result is a collection of 12 creative images of models, of which each image was passed on to another creative artist who considered the image as his/her blank canvas. In collaboration with Ou-Vert & Print International the works have been bundled in “The Collaborative 09 Calendar”.
Mike invited me to join The Collaborative for their first project. A joyfull assignment: "I'll send you the RAW image of one of the 12 modells I've shot in a series for my promotional calendar which I send out every year. All you got to do is cover up the naked model with some artwork — so she's not totally nude anymore..."
In just a little bit more time and the 09 Calendar will be printed and ready to send out. If you’d like to get your hands on one, feel free to drop Mike an e-mail at thecollaborative@mikevancleven.com
Mike is giving out a couple of these calendars to whom send us an e-mail with “TheCollaborative.be” in the subject line.
Don’t forget to mention your complete address and why you want to be the proud owner of one of these babies!
Oh and before I forget: Merry X-mass to you all !
22 December 2008
Video Gaming Trends
Video gaming is now a bigger industry than DVDs, box office revenues, movie rentals, music or even books. Mario killed the Ringo Starr, but you probably didn’t even know it...
via Advertising Pawn
Playstation is my favorite gaming platform and the line of thinking behind the PlayStation’s advertising revolution serves pretty well as “the ideal disruption case study”, focusing on a more adult audience and embracing is irreverent underlying philosophy. They don’t filter advertising. They mock it. Hence the switch of focus from pure product appraisal to the actual outcomes resulting from its usage.
Read a full Brand Tribute article on PlayStation at Advertising Pawn
21 December 2008
Global Internet Map 2009
TeleGeography's new Global Internet Map draws upon their annual Global Internet Geography research to provide a unique view of the world's Internet backbone architecture.
The map's global projection traces the intercontinental links between the countries of Europe, Asia, North and Latin America, and Africa. Regional close-ups provide insight into key routes within each region. Nine accompanying figures and tables present valuable data on Internet bandwidth by country, regional and global Internet capacity growth, backbone providers, traffic by application, wholesale pricing, and broadband user growth.
via VisualComplexity
Jag Black
Jag Black is a microsite for Jag Jeans. The Jack Black Studio let's you be a star fashion photographer for a few minutes.
You are in Sydney, Australia, and have just received an assignment: Photograph Marian Rivera and Will Devaughn. Select your best pics, publish them in your own online Black Book and then email them to your friends. You have 70 shots to take in about small 2 minutes...
Brussel op z'n best
Originally uploaded by grapplica.
View of the "rue de brabant", i lived here for over more than 4 years