10. Precious: Music interfaces
After a number of years with several different agencies, Christophe Stoll and Johannes Schardt set up the design studio ‘precious’ in 2005. The core team was joined in 2006 by Philipp Granzin from Berlin. In addition to their own design projects, precious is currently carrying out assignments for the band Tocotronic and the music software company Native Instruments. Also located in the vicinity of precious are the jointly-run record label ‘2nd rec’ and the audio-visual project Nitrada. Furthermore, Christophe Stoll teaches interface design at the Technische Kunsthochschule Berlin.
The Hamburg-based design studio ‘precious’ will present their work on interface designs for music software, which they produce for Native Instruments, a company based in Berlin, and share their thoughts and ideas surrounding the interface between visual design and music.
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